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I Love to bake. It's in my blood. My mother is European.  She was raised during World War II. Making due with what little was a way of life for her.  When I was a little girl I watched her make a variety of yeast breads, rolls, streusel's, dumplings, jams, cakes, cookies, pudding, custards etc. If I was good she would hand me a lump of dough and a little rolling pin made for my little hands.  I worked that dough with flour and a donut hole cutter until it wouldn't flatten any more.  If I spilled any flour Mom was quick to recover it back towards the work area. I was mesmerized with creating anything out of just a few ingredients. In my teen years my older sister introduced me to making candied fondant for chocolate dipping.  She would give almond joy a run for it's money and I was determined to do the same. I would have to sneak my kitchen baking time in when Mom wasn't home.  The mess I'd make and ingredients I'd wasted really made Mom upset.  I didn't realize until I was an adult how the mess didn't bother her but any wasted ingredients really made Mother sad.  Not at all angry.  By the time I'd left home I had mastered the Nestle toll house chocolate chip cookie recipe as my Dad would have liked it.


As a young adult I enjoyed baking.  I picked up some basic cooking skills with The Pampered Chef, Hamburger helper and plenty of trips to the local Burger King and Arby's after failed attempts at making dinner.  I learned hands on (after the first bite) just how a whole Tablespoon of peppercorns is supposed to be added to meatloaf.




I found myself at 32 needing a job.  I was looking for a regular paycheck that didn't require much thinking.   A no brainer; I'm thankful to be employed and can focus on other things kind of job.  At the same time I was desperate.  I put my application in everywhere. After a good 3 months I finally got a call from Wal-mart.  I told myself I would never work in a Wal-mart unless it was in the bakery department.  What Luck.  Within 2 weeks from submitting my resume I was an official Wal-mart associate.  For months I packaged bread, stocked shelves and washed surface areas. There were 2, sometimes 3 cake decorators before I was asked if I had an interest in training as a decorator.  The basic skills I had learned and perfected in a high production atmosphere changed my life forever.  Not to mention: It was there I had met my husband as well.

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