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The entire idea of K.T.'s Confoxionary developed slowly and mistakenly.  At the end of summer 2015, I'd been working for Kroger for a few months... when a manager asked if I was going to attend the cake decorating contest for our district.  I had never heard of this event and thought, "what the heck... attend, participate and learn." Immediately my confidence stepped up.  I went on to the next round of the competition in Indianapolis.  I was MIND BLOWN!  The talent that was in the room was insane. To my surprise I was invited to attend the "Indy" event again in 2016.  Of course I went.  And of course I was MIND BLOWN again at all the talent.  I have been blessed to work for a company that explores, enhances, develops and supports positions that require a crafty niche.  If it wasn't for Kroger, who knows if I ever would have taken it upon myself to play with finer components in the art of cake and cookie decorating.

While my piping bag skills continued to develop I participated in a small group study with some gals from church. Living the Elijah Project by Andrea M. Polnaszek, LCSW. I remember putting forth a great deal of time in the second activity in the workbook. A light bulb went off and steps towards developing K.T.'s Confoxionary soon followed.

Owner, Kristine Turner has successfully trained and completed the Food Protection Manager Examination which is accredited by the

American National Standards Institute - Conference for Food Protection

She is also registered registered with the State of Illinois Department of Public Health

This certification is acceptable for the Cottage Food Industry laws through the LaSalle County Health Department

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